Immediately the website TheCircutDog.com sent up the warning signals again. The owner Tony Hayden was 100% accurate in calling the Chisholm debacle for the past two years and as soon Reunion 2010 was announced he advised his readers that the summer pool parties may not happen. "This is one Reunion you might want to miss" Hayden warned. "Chsholm has only been given the Disney property with a certain period of limited reservations. If he doesn't have a contractual amount by a given date, Lake Buena Vista Palace will bail on him"
"Is he, or isn't he?" is what the Central Florida Gay and Lesbian newspaper Watermark asked. The article brought to light Johnny Chisholm's secret silent role in the new Gay Days event. "The “One Mighty” name suggests Chisholm’s involvement, but that was otherwise not apparent online." the article writes. "Already, there is speculation that the omission of Chisholm’s name from the Reunion web site, company registration and marketing materials is designed to distance Chisholm from the weekend event in light of his problems the previous year, lawsuits and recent bankruptcy." And my favorite part of the article is when they quote Hayden with the single word that sums up Chisholm's way of doing business... "dubious".
The final knock-out punch came from the website "Forest Moon Endor" which literally holds a reader's hand and walks them step by step through the legal understandings of the One Mighty Weekend collapse. "The Decline and Fall of the Chisholm Empire Part 2" is maybe the most fascinating 52 pages that you'll ever read. From exhibit A. to exhibit Z., it's a wonder that Chisholm isn't in prison along with his promotional partner JustCircuit.com. It's a juicy disgusting read that just might have finally done Chisholm in.
According to Buena Vista Palace insiders, on April 20th after missing two other hotel deadlines, the Palace flexed their right to cancel the events due to Chisholm not filling his quota. Period! That's what happened. However in true "spin" form, Chisholm's girlfriends at JustCircuit.com sent out a news bulletin in attempt to clean up what really happened. "Despite reportedly having a sizable number of hotel bookings at the Buena Vista Palace for Reunion, the typical sold-out status was not a guarantee." the website reported. They also regurgitated their repetitive deflective mantra, "Also sited as a reason for the hiatus is continued "speculation, pessimism and outright hatred by some in our own community " towards the organization. The actions by bloggers associated with other Gay Day weekend events continue to damage the success of the overall weekend." JustCircuit also is leading their reader to believe that Chisholm is just" taking a break this year and plans to return in 2011.
So, we've gone full circle. Like a bad dream the Gay Days weekend had something called the Chisholm years. Squeezed out and fed-up with Johnny Chisholm's antics, Mark Baker sold his events to Chisholm five years ago and in a very short time the Louisiana Chicken farmer destroyed the memorable events. Now Mark Baker returns to restore the weekend to greatness. Yes, this is a fitting eulogy. "Where one man destroys another builds" R.I.P. One Mighty Weekend and as Tony Hayden immediately put on his Facebook page after hearing the news of Chisholm's withdraw.. "Good riddance to bad rubbish".
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